If you’ve ever heard anyone say that job hunting is like a full time job, they’re not lying. The process of finding and applying for the perfect opportunity is nearly as time consuming as actually working the job when you get it. So if you’re busy, how is it possible to carve out the time in your schedule that you need to find the perfect opportunity for you? Here are a few ways:
- Make an appointment for job hunting: Many people turn to job hunting after everything else is already done. They’re then surprised when the search process continues to get pushed to the bottom of the list in favor of chores, spending time with family, and catching up on TV shows. In order to land a full-time job, it’s important to build time in for job hunting during a daily routine. Like a doctor’s appointment, a work meeting, or a lunch with a friend, daily job hunting must be a non-negotiable part of your day. It’s much harder to back out and do something else when it’s sitting there staring at you from your appointment book. Stick to this commitment, and treat it with just as much importance as any other obligation.
- Do it at the right time: If you’re trying to job hunt right before you go to bed or when you’re distracted, you probably won’t have much luck. It’s best to save job hunting for when you’re fresh. This means doing it at a time when your energy levels are high, such as right after dinner or as you’re sipping your coffee in the morning.
- Sign up for daily job alerts: There are a number of sites that can send you daily email alerts about jobs that may interest you. Instead of having to bounce from website to website looking for opportunities, the openings come right to your inbox. This significantly cuts down on the amount of time required to conduct your search.
- Know what you’re looking for: If you’re looking for a new gig without a clear idea of what you want, you probably won’t wind up with a fruitful search. Instead of typing in “tech jobs” to Google, you should get more specific. A search of “web design jobs” will provide more legitimate and plentiful returns than a broad, generic search term.
Job hunting can be stressful, so it’s important not to be afraid to do it in small chunks. Spending even half an hour at a time will help you find out what’s out there, without leaving you feeling overwhelmed.
How did you manage your job hunt when you had a busy schedule?
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