Job Seeker Blog - Spark Hire

Job Criteria Conundrum

Job postings can be frustrating. You see a job you think you’d be perfect for, one you would be passionate about, know the industry, and would bring skills to help further the organization. The problem? The requirements for job seekers don’t exactly match up with your resume. Should job seekers abandon hope at the mismatched resume, or press on in their pursuit of their dream jobs?

You may have been told not to waste your time applying for jobs if you don’t match the criteria, but job seekers beware, that’s just not true. Sure if you’re not too into the job posting and your skills don’t match, save your time–but that applies even if you meet the recommended criteria. Never apply to a job you don’t care much about, match the criteria or not. But if you want the job enough it can never hurt to try. We do use this as a theme after all (Tristan Walker ring a bell?) and a resume that doesn’t quite fit isn’t a good enough excuse not to go after your dream.

So then how do you go about getting a job even if your resume doesn’t hit every check on the list? Explore the ways in which your other skills, not mentioned in the job posting, give you what it takes to complete the tasks, and even go further in your work. Job seekers should know by now that this is what the cover letter is for, but a video resume is also a perfect fit for a job you may not look perfect for on paper–because it’s not on paper! Instead, your video resume can set up the skills you do have in a format that makes them seem like a perfect fit for the position.

Just because a job seeker’s resume doesn’t find the keyword criteria for a job doesn’t mean he/she shouldn’t still go after it. It just means you’ll have to work a little harder to get noticed. Take it as an opportunity to really elaborate on all the great work you’ve done, letting employers see you’re more than just a checklist candidate, you’re a passionate, energetic, and creative worker who has the skills to succeed.

Have you been deterred from a great opportunity because of the criteria? Let us know below!

IMAGE: Courtesy of Flickr by USAG-Humphreys

Jen Schiller

Jen works as a Marketing Project Manager for a restaurant, a kitchen assistant for cooking classes, helps with database management, does some freelance writing, and more. She received her B.A. from the University of Maryland in Government & Politics in 2011. Currently, she resides in the Washington, D.C. area and is an avid sports fan.

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