Exiting a conversation with someone you don’t know can tend to get a bit awkward. You’re not quite sure when to say goodbye, should you shake their hand again? Should I ask for their contact information or is it odd if I scurry out of here in a hurry? Leaving any kind of conversation can be confusing, but it can get even more difficult when it is a business conversation or an interview with an employer you’d really like to work for. That is why it’s a great idea to have a good strategy on how to properly end a job interview.
Closing out conversations can definitely be a bit tricky. In fact, Spark News covered how best to end a networking conversation just weeks ago. An interview is already a bit nerve-wrecking, especially if it is a job you really want. When exiting a conversation is already a bit odd, adding nervous tremors to the mix doesn’t help. Don’t worry though, that’s what Spark News is here for. To help you every step of the way to nailing that interview and finding that perfect job.
Take a look at these tips on how to properly end a job interview and know going into it that you will nail the interview and the exit as well.
1. Brainstorm
Before you go into you interview, take some time to come up with different ways to close. What are the most important things you want your interviewer to remember about you? Figure out a couple different ways to get those points across again in your closing and be ready to pull one out of your hat when the end rolls around.
2. Options
It’s always great to give yourself options. Going into the interview, you’re not sure how it’s going to pan out. Maybe the interview went horribly, not for you but for the interviewer. You may have realized halfway through that this is definitely not the kind of job you want or the kind of company you want to work for. On the other hand, it may go great and you may still really want to work for this employer. It’s for this reason you should have a couple different closing statements. You should come up with one for when the interview goes great, one for if the interview is so-so and one for an interview that was just terrible.
3. Summarize
When you feel the interview coming to an end, it’s a good idea to summarize the interview in a short statement. Remind the employer of your core strengths again and why you feel they would be great for this position. Of course, you don’t want to repeat everything you guys discussed, but you do want to leave with them thinking of your greatest strengths.
4. Make Sure the Interview is Really Over
Before you rush to say goodbye, you should make sure that the interview is actually over. Unless the interview has gone sour and you want to get out of there as soon as possible, take a cue from the interviewer. Let them guide the pace and let them be the one to suggest that the interview is over. Otherwise, it will look like you can’t wait to get out and that you aren’t very interested in the position.
5. Thank Yous
It’s a given, but make sure you thank the interviewer for their time and their consideration. Make it known that you appreciated the opportunity and that you hope you are still considered for the position. Ask them when you can expect a reply from them and what the next step is. If they offered you this position, what would come next?
When you know the interview is done, shake the interviewers hand and be sure to leave them a copy of your resume. If you aren’t sure about your handshaking skills, then brush up on them with our article on how to properly give a handshake. Give a nice, firm handshake and with these tips be confident on your exit. Good luck!
IMAGE: Courtesy of Her Campus
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