Job Seeker Blog - Spark Hire
Freelancer Infographic

Freelance at a Glance #infographic

“The popularity of mobile devices combined with the explosive growth of apps and cloud-based computing are making it easier than ever before for people to take their expertise out of the office and set off on their own. Whether they do it for the flexibility or the independence, freelancers are fast becoming the new face of the global workforce.”

Here are some of interesting statisitics:

– The average freelancer is 32 years old.

– Half of freelancers come from North America.

– Half of freelancers work at it full-time.

– South American freelancers work the most with an average of 49 hours/week.

– Most freelance jobs are gained by referrals followed by social networking.

– 40% of freelancers report having trouble getting paid wages they’re owed.

Freelancer Infographic

SOURCE: Socialcast

Spark Hire Team

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