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3 Resume Tips for the Mature Job Seeker

3 Resume Tips for the Mature Job SeekerSearching for a new job is tough, especially when it feels like you are up against a younger, technologically savvy millennial generation.  Sometimes, it can feel like there is no contest and that employers will quickly overlook a mature job seeker.  However, there are certain things that you can add to or modify on your resume that will help you showcase not only your expertise, but also your understanding of today’s technology. 

1. Display Skills and Expertise

Remember the days when you were encouraged to list as much experience as possible on your resume, so as not to appear too junior level?  For the mature job seeker, it’s important to scratch that advice from memory.

About Careers recommends that you actually limit the amount of experience on your resume.  While I somewhat agree with this, I do believe that if you have applicable experience, it should be showcased.  However, if you have held jobs long ago that were not applicable or do not necessarily speak to the type of job you are pursuing, I agree that these jobs should be left off of your resume.

The key thing to remember is to make sure your resume contains your skills and expertise as related to the job you are applying to.  Keep your objective brief, but descriptive of the type of position you are looking for and how you plan to use your skills and expertise in that type of role.

As About Careers advises, make sure not to mention exact years of experience in your objective.  I believe it is okay to list dates of employment in your work history, especially if you are able to prove that you have excellent tenure with past employers.  However, never include years of graduation.

2. Social Media knowledge

One good way to show hiring managers that you are savvy and understand how to network is by showcasing your social media knowledge on your resume.

For example, if you have been in a position in the past that required you to use social media for your job, be sure to note this under your experience.  If you were responsible for setting up or maintaining your company’s Twitter or Facebook account, document that experience on your resume.

As About Careers mentions, be sure to document your LinkedIn profile page under your contact information on your resume.  Before you do this, make sure that your LinkedIn profile is current and up to date.  The last thing you want to do is to direct a hiring manager to a dated profile, with only a few connections and no other details.  Beef up your profile, just as you would your resume.  Add a professional photo of yourself on your profile, join industry related groups, expand your connection base, and share industry related articles with your network.

If you would like bonus points, reach out and connect with the hiring manager and team at the company you would like to work for.  Stay visible on LinkedIn so that your future employer can see that you know how to network and use social media to your advantage.

3. Video Resume

One of the best ways to show an employer that you are “with it” when it comes to technology is by submitting a video resume.

Video resumes are on the brink of a fast growing trend in the interview process.  I can guarantee that most hiring managers are just starting to see this new format of resumes.  By creating a killer video resume, demonstrating your skills and experience, you will likely make a good, long-lasting impression on a hiring manager.

What are some ways that you market yourself to potential employers as a mature job seeker?  Please share your tips in the comments below.

Image: Kurhan/

Julia Weeks

Julia is a skilled Recruiter with over 8 years of experience in sourcing, interviewing, and hiring within many industries globally. She works closely with hiring managers and job seekers to understand needs and desires, while offering guidance and ensuring the right fit. When not recruiting or writing, Julia enjoys spending time outside cycling, taking her dog for walks, or honing her sailing skills.

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