Job Seeker Blog - Spark Hire

The Skills You Need to Get a Job Offer from a Startup

The Skills You Need to Get a Job Offer from a StartupIf you’re looking for the excitement and energy that comes with working for a startup, you’ll want to have the skills necessary to make you an invaluable asset to this kind of company. The kinds of skills that a hiring manager will look for will vary depending on the type of startup, but there are a few core abilities that you can master if you’re looking to land an offer. These include:

A strong knowledge of Excel

It doesn’t matter which department you hope to snag a spot in, you’ll want to have a good understanding of Excel if you’re hoping to work for a startup. Small businesses need team members to be able to wear multiple hats, and if you can crunch numbers you’re automatically a valuable asset to the team. Even if you’re putting together a content strategy, if you can incorporate hard evidence about how and why the plan you’re proposing will work, you’re much more valuable to your team.

A basic knowledge of web design

You don’t have to be able to design a gorgeous website on your own, but you should have working knowledge about what makes a website easy to use and appealing. The online side of things is a major part of any business in today’s world, so being able to speak intelligently about these issues is important. Know what works and what doesn’t, and understand what users are looking for when they come to your site (or your clients’ sites).


Regardless of your job title, strong writing skills are a must if you’re hoping to land work at a startup. If a hiring manager knows that you can write up a press release, send out an e-mail newsletter, and handle web content without a problem, they’ll feel confident in bringing you on board. Brush up on your basic grammar and spelling skills if need be to ensure that you’re marketable as you apply for a job with a startup.

Customer service

Whether your job description entails dealing directly with clients or not, strong customer service skills are key if you want to work for a startup. A hiring manager wants to know that you can handle a situation properly should you be asked to interact with an important client. Not everyone is able to finesse these situations, so showing that you’re comfortable dealing with customers can set you ahead of the competition.

What other skills are essential if you want to work for a startup? Let us know in the comments!

Image: Goodluz/

Lauren Levine

Lauren Levine is a copywriter/blogger who contributes to a number of magazines and websites including The Frisky, USA Today, and others. She also authors her own blog called Life with Lauren. She loves cooking, anything on the E! network, and is trying to convince herself that running isn't so bad.

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