Job Seeker Blog - Spark Hire

How to Be A Considerate Jokester on April Fools’ Day [INFOGRAPHIC]

April Fools’ Day isn’t a national holiday, but it is widely recognized and celebrated around the world as a day for playing practical jokes and hoaxes on people. Are you considering playing a prank on a co-worker today at work? You’ll probably want to check out the infographic below from Social Cast which details April Fools’ “Don’ts” for those wanting to celebrate.

The infographic also points out that nearly half of the executives surveyed believe that April Fools’ jokes are inappropriate for the workplace. So, it’d probably be wise to steer clear of whoopee cushions if your boss doesn’t have much of a funny bone.


Camelia Rodriguez

Camelia Rodriguez is the PR/Content Marketing Intern for Spark Hire. She enjoys writing and editing, binge-watching TV shows on Hulu and Netflix, and eating foods she isn't allergic to. Born and raised in Chicago, she loves to cheer for the Bulls, Bears, Blackhawks, and Cubbies.

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