The first task in any successful job search is self-evaluation. You must have an accurate assessment of your skills and interests before you begin to look for a career. If you just want to get a job, you can skip this step and apply to all the openings in the classified section. However, experience has shown that this method of looking just for a paycheck usually leads to disappointment and squandered energy.
However, if you want to make a move that will provide long-term benefits, you must take stock of the areas where you excel and align your talents with the needs of others. Your personal best can be a tremendous asset for an employer.
Discover your preferences
Make a list of activities you enjoy. Do not think in terms of a specific position. Just focus on what you like to do. Perhaps you take pleasure in working with people to resolve problems. You may be mechanically savvy and a wiz at fixing gadgets. Your forte may be number crunching and keeping accurate records of income and expenses. Preparing scrumptious meals and hosting a fabulous party may be your area of expertise. Teaching kids how to swim may have been a favorite summer pastime. If an activity grabs your attention and motivates you to invest time and energy to become proficient, chances are you are on a winning track.
Now, connect your zeal with a line of work. Do you jump at the chance to take a nature hike? You can transform your passion for nature into a source of income as a horticulturalist, agriculturist or environmentalist. Are you an innovator? Perhaps you have the vision to lead a new company into a brilliant future with the capacity to hire hundreds of enthusiastic individuals. Can you mobilize people to embrace a group cause? You may be the one to spearhead a fundraising team for an educational institution or charitable organization. If you are the go-to person when someone needs financial advice, you may seek a position as a financial planner. Let your enthusiasm be your guide.
Explore ways to contribute
Compile your list of abilities and interests. Then search for employers and organizations that need people with your unique talents. The Internet is a popular tool; however, do not discount the hard copy. Libraries are filled with trade magazine and journals for any profession imaginable. Many companies still use this method to discuss their goals and inform the public about how they overcame obstacles. You can use such publications to identify relevant employers and envision new ways to help them reach their objectives. Also, pay attention to advertising campaigns. According to marketing experts, consumers are showered with about 3000 ads in some form each day. If you relate to a product or service advertised, then it is worth a follow-up. Check out the company. You may find a pathway to your next great career move.
IMAGE: Courtesy of Get Entrepreneurial