I sincerely hope you began your study of anthropology with the ambition of being Indiana Jones. If that career path has fallen by the wayside as your studies progressed— as fictional jobs often do— here are a few other options for your perusal. Fedora optional, but highly suggested.
Market Researcher
The time you spent researching people and their behavior will serve you well in this position as you compile and analyze market research data. When you write your cover letter, be sure to emphasize your research ability and your experience in analyzing behavior.
Apply at: Private companies of all sorts
Natural Resource Manager
These positions come in all shapes and sizes— everything from friends of Smokey the Bear to educational outreach— but your experience doing field work will allow you to adapt easily to any of them. When you apply, play up your knowledge of environmental impacts on groups and any experience you have working outdoors.
Apply at: State and local DNR divisions, environmental outreach groups
Cultural Resource Manager
This is a really neat position, in my opinion. Working either for a consulting firm or as an in-house manager, you will supervise cultural preservation projects. For example, a family wanting to restore a home in a city’s historical district might hire your firm to ensure that the project is done according to specifications.
Apply at: Cultural and environmental protection firms, city and state governments
Social Services Worker
Your study of civilizations and their behavior over time will give you a unique perspective on social work. You might work as a family case manager, behavioral interventionist or counselor of some kind. When you apply, emphasize your ability to study behavior and any time you applied your anthropology studies to a real life situation.
Apply at: Educational organizations, state and local government, outreach programs
Study Abroad Coordinator
As a student of multiple cultures, past and present, consider helping other students transition smoothly into a new cultural experience. You might counsel students on the cultural, financial and educational ins and outs of a study abroad experience. Hopefully you’ll get to go with them once in a while, too!
Apply at: Colleges and universities, independent study abroad companies
Civic Engagement Director
Lots of people and organizations have a vested interest in cultivating civic engagement. With your background in civilization studies, you would be a natural choice for encouraging community involvement. You might organize community events, lead community service efforts and do educational outreach.
Apply at: Colleges and universities (you would work specifically to encourage student civic engagement), state and local government, non-profit outreach organizations
If those positions seem too tame for you, here are a few jobs that might rival rescuing treasure from a volcano. You have to provide your own screaming blonde, however.
Animal Anthropologist
This is what Jane Goodall would have put on her business card. You will likely need an advanced degree, but it seems totally worth it.
Underwater Archaeologist
This is what I wanted to do for a few months of my undergraduate career. Shipwrecks, South American underwater caves, the city of Atlantis…dive right in!
Treasure Hunters Roadshow Associate
About the closest you can get to full-time treasure hunting anymore (although there are a number of websites dedicated to all manner of amateur treasure hunting). The show has just done some downsizing, unfortunately, but maybe you’ll be the one to give it new life.
Best of luck in all that you do, and let me know what major to look at next! Leave a comment below, or send me a tweet: @ithinkther4iamb. #lovemymajor
SOURCE: American Anthropological Society
IMAGE: Courtesy of Pictures of Record
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