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Least Job Producing College Degrees

It’s something we all dream of. I know I’ve been waiting for the day for four years now. However, as a senior at a four-year university, the inevitability of graduation is becoming more nerve-racking than it is exciting. Bachelor degrees aren’t what they used to be and today’s ever changing job market should make a future college student reevaluate their major. Just in case you’re reading this article and haven’t fully committed to a major, here are a few college degrees that have the least success finding jobs after graduation.

Georgetown University, with the help of U.S Census Bureau statistics, comprised a list of some degrees that haven’t had the greatest success in today’s job market. Overwhelmingly, jobs surrounding the psychological field are dealing with a high unemployment rate. Jobs such as clinical and educational psychology are experiencing unemployment at more than fifteen percent. This is both shocking and disappointing considering psychology is still in the top five of the most pursued college degrees. The study of human behavior is interesting to say the least, so the fascination within the field will always be there. The marginalization of psychologists could be concluded to many things, technology being one, and just the plain fact that psychology isn’t really taken seriously anymore. If psychologists can’t write prescriptions, I don’t see society today taking much interest in their services.

Fields such as humanities, sociology, architecture and (unfortunately for me) journalism are all seeing high unemployment rates. Even some trade occupations like cosmetology and culinary arts are seeing frustrations in the job market. Of course we expect to see the usual suspects on this list: the artsy type of degrees such as fine arts, U.S. history and philosophy. But the idea of international business and engineering jobs struggling in the job market is a little shocking. I guess nobody is safe these days.

However, this article isn’t set out to discourage people from majoring in something that they truly love just because their job market is endangered. It’s quite the contrary, actually. As a college senior eyeing my diploma, my degree is one of the top 25 degrees with the highest unemployment rate. That doesn’t worry me, though- not in the least bit. I seem to reiterate this over and over, but I believe you should follow your dreams and follow your passion regardless. If studying human behavior is something you see yourself doing and nothing else, then go for it. If you’re passionate about a career path, your passion should lead you to success. I can’t begin to tell you how many students I hear explain their major, then right after tell you the average salary of their degree after graduation. Those are the same people who are going to be miserable at their jobs. If you find a high paying job that you are passionate about, great. Don’t map out your future career just for the hopes of landing a well-paying job, though. If you truly love what you do, you won’t have to work another day in your life. Isn’t that the dream?

What do you think of this information and statistics? Are you currently majoring in one of these subject or recently graduated with a degree in one? Let us know in the comments or tweet us @sparkhire.

IMAGE: Courtesy of Business Pundit

Chris Officer