Job Seeker Blog - Spark Hire

Tips and Tricks for Landing an Out of State Job

Snagging a job in a different state can be difficult, especially if you don’t know many people in your new city yet. However, contrary to popular belief, it’s actually possible to land an out of state job in a different part of the country. Use these tips to make it happen:

Use LinkedIn to develop a network in your new city.

It’s much harder to get a job when you don’t know anyone within the organization. This is doubly true when you don’t know anyone in the area either. If you’re trying to relocate, use LinkedIn to develop your professional network in your desired area. You can even reach out to companies you’re hoping to target and explain that you’re looking to relocate and tell them why their company is on your radar.

Make it a point to attend events in the area.

If there are networking events that happen regularly in that city, be present for as many of them as possible. Join Meetup groups and professional organizations, and let people you meet know that you’ll be relocating soon. Spread the word that you’re searching for a job opportunity. As your network develops, you may find that a new connection is able to put you in touch with someone who’s hiring.

Get a local address as soon as possible.

One thing that sets many people back from landing a job in a new area is the address on their resume. Some hiring managers are reluctant to make an offer to a person who doesn’t live in the city, either because they think it will delay their start date or they fear that they’ll arrive, decide they don’t like the area, and then leave again. If you’re fully committed to living in the city, get a local address as soon as possible so that you can list this address on you resume.

Address the relocation issue in your cover letter.

Relocation is often the elephant in the room, so it’s worthwhile to address it in your cover letter. Explain why you’re ready to move and why you love the area. You may also want to offer to pay for your own relocation costs if that’s something you’re financially able to do. Covering relocation for a new employee, particularly if that employee owns a house in another state or has a family, can become extraordinarily pricy. This may make a hiring manager hesitant to do it. By dealing with the issue in your cover letter and offering to pay for the expense, you make yourself more marketable.

Lastly, you may want to reposition your desire to move. Instead of saying that you would move should you get offered the job, reframe the wording and state that you are moving. This shows that you’re not hesitant and that you won’t back out should you receive a job offer. This is often an important reassurance that hiring managers need before they make an offer to someone out of state.

Lauren Levine

Lauren Levine is a copywriter/blogger who contributes to a number of magazines and websites including The Frisky, USA Today, and others. She also authors her own blog called Life with Lauren. She loves cooking, anything on the E! network, and is trying to convince herself that running isn't so bad.

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