When starting a new job, you may try to get a sense of the culture so that you blend in and are able to get along with your colleagues. Moreover, getting acclimated to a new office can feel like being the new kid in school. The first few weeks at a new job can certainly be nerve-wracking, but there are some steps you can take to make sure you avoid sticking out like a sore thumb in a new office. They include:
Don’t be afraid to ask questions
Don’t just assume you know how things work in that company, even if you’ve worked for similar businesses before. If you have any doubts, it’s better to ask, rather than assume and risk a major slip up. It’s best to do things correctly right from the start so as to avoid any wasted efforts. However, be sure that you’re asking at a convenient time, not when your manager is on a tight deadline.
Schedule regular check-ins
To ensure that you’re living up to expectations at your new job, consider scheduling regular check-ins with your new manager as you get familiar with standards within the office. This way they can provide you with feedback so that you can improve or alter your performance if necessary as you’re learning the ropes.
Take notes
During the first few weeks at a new job, you’re going to get a lot of information thrown your way. It can be tough to process all of this, especially as you’re trying to remember your co-workers’ names and where the restroom is. Take notes to ensure that you retain all of these details and it will be nice to have them to refer back to from time to time if necessary. It will also help you feel less overwhelmed about being in a new office.
Find an ally
Is there someone who’s worked at the office for years? A friendly face near you who always seems willing to help? Don’t be afraid to reach out and ask for some guidance. Getting advice from more experienced employees helps to lessen the shock of the adjustment period.
Finally, give yourself a break. It takes even the most talented employees time to get situated in a new place. An adjustment period is normal and part of the process. By asking questions and making it a point to learn from more veteran employees, you can help to make this period of time shorter.
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