The new year is upon us, and if you’re still on the hunt for the ideal next job opportunity, this is the perfect chance to ramp up your efforts and make this year the start of something better. If you’re hoping to have more success during your job hunt than you did in 2013, keep these tips in mind:
Give measurable results from your past work
Some people feel nervous about seeming beastly on their resume, and therefore end up minimizing their accomplishments as they’re writing. Remember that your resume is the perfect chance to spotlight the things you’ve accomplished over the course of your career. Hiring managers and want need to see these accomplishments in writing, so make sure to deliver. The best way to do this is through measurable results. Instead of saying you were successful in sales, show a hiring manager exactly how successful you were. How many new accounts did you bring in? How many quarters in a row did you hit your budget? These cold, hard facts make it hard to skip over the rest of your resume in favor of the hundreds of others that probably came in.
Get proactive about your professional development
In many instances, your approach to developing as a professional is what will separate you from the rest of the pack. You want to work hard at your full-time job, but it’s also important to show a potential manager that you’re committed to learning new things and developing additional skills outside of the office. If you’re not having much luck in locating work, consider signing up for professional development coursework or other programs that will hone your skills and keep you sharp. You may also want to consider participating in volunteer work in your community.
Keep it positive
One thing employers value, regardless of industry, is a person with a positive attitude. There are several ways that you can show that you possess this. For one thing, be upbeat and peppy during an interview. While you may feel nervous, don’t let this throw you off track. Show that you are excited to be there, and are enthusiastic about what the company has to offer.
However, before you even get to the interview stage, it’s important to make sure that your cover letter has a positive spin. If you use your cover letter as a chance to vent about every injustice that a past employer has done to you, it will hit the recycle bin before the reader even gets to the second paragraph. Instead, focus on your passion for your career and your past accomplishments, regardless of how disheartened you may feel at that particular moment.
Also, pay attention to the tone that your social media pages take on. You may not even realize that your tweets are full of complaints, but this can send a message to an employer, and may actually prevent you from getting an interview. While it’s okay to offer the occasional sarcastic remark, try to keep it positive when possible.
What are your goals as you start your job hunt in 2014?
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