Job Seeker Blog - Spark Hire

How to Make a Closing Statement in Your Job Interview

As many job seekers know, a job interview typically ends with a potential employer asking the interviewee if they have any questions. Job seekers also know that it’s beneficial to have a few questions prepared to show that you’re knowledgeable and eager to learn. While this often closes the interview, it also may be a good time to say a few closing sentences. In fact, some employers may expect and ask for a closing statement.

Would you be prepared for this?

As a job seeker, what would you say at the end of a job interview in order to close the deal? How would you sell yourself, your skills, and your experience to demonstrate to the potential employer that you are the only candidate worthy of this position?

It’s a daunting question, but it’s best to have an answer prepared in case the opportunity comes up. Many people feel uncomfortable throughout the interview process when they have to talk about themselves openly and boldly, but the chance to give a closing statement is an excellent opportunity to talk about the your qualities and experience that may not have surfaced during the bulk of the job interview. Don’t be afraid to tell your potential employer about the things you excel at, how productive you can be, and that you’re worth taking a chance on. This is exactly what they want to be convinced of. Instead of the cookie cutter answer of, “I’m a hard worker, and a fast learner. I’m adaptable, and I’m excited about this opportunity,” aim for something with more substance. Aim for something that gets to the heart of your work philosophy.

A great way to begin forming a closing statement is to respond to a scenario like this: Another candidate your age with the same educational background, job experience, and focused skill set has just left the room ahead of you. What makes you a more worthy candidate than them? What sets you apart from your peers? Here are a few suggestions about what a closing statement could include:

Explain why you want to be with the company. This should include why the position will be beneficial to you and why you will be beneficial to the employer. Be frank about what you can bring to the table.

Describe your work ethic. What does it mean to you to be a competent, productive employee? Tell the employer what drives you to maintain your work ethic.

Be open about where you see your career path leading. How can this job help you on that path?

Be frank about your expectations for yourself in the workplace. Talk about your conduct and workplace demeanor.

Tell them about times that you’ve been proud of the work you’ve done. Reflect on the aspects of the potential position that already excite you! Throw out some ideas that you already have for developing the position.

Most of all, try to be honest about yourself, and share your enthusiasm with your potential employer. Most likely, they’ll appreciate that you haven’t shied away from tooting your own horn, because that is a skill in itself.

IMAGE: Courtesy of Flickr by Peter Kaminski

Kailyn Baum

Kailyn is a recent college graduate with degrees in English and Political Science. She is currently working in the publishing industry, where she loves the fact that she is paid to immerse herself in talking and thinking about books all day long. When she isn’t working, she enjoys reading, cooking, line-dancing, and writing short stories and poetry. Her sincerest hope for contributing to Spark Hire’s job seeker blog is to provide job seekers of all ages with the tools and sense of humor necessary to stay calm and carry on.

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