Thank you for your interest in writing and submitting an article to the blog of Please read all sections below to see if your article will qualify.
- Posts submitted must be complete. Our team will reject incomplete drafts.
- If you are interested in guest blogging but want to run a topic by us or you are interested in becoming an ongoing contributor to the Spark Hire blog, please contact Crystal at [email protected].
- All guest posts must be original content and submitted exclusively to Spark Hire. Thus, the post you write should be for Spark Hire and only Spark Hire.
- You must cite all sources. If you are unsure how to properly format your citation, please put the link to the source in parentheses after the sentence you want to cite a source for. (Our editorial team checks these citations for credibility.)
- External links will not be published unless they direct to relevant tools, apps, or supporting research (less than 2 years old or most recent) that is valuable to HR, hiring, and recruiting professionals.
- Spark Hire does NOT accept content promoting, linking to, or written by paid writing services (like resume or essay writing companies) or AI organizations.
- Spark Hire reserves the right to edit or reject any guest post.
Target Audience:
- Human Resources (HR)
- Recruiters
- Hiring Managers
- Staffing Firms
- Business Owners
Writing Categories:
- Best Hiring Practices
- Candidate Experience
- Employer Branding
- Interviewing
- Online Recruiting
- Talent Acquisition
- Video Interviews
- Hiring and Recruiting Budget
- The post should be 500-750 words (longer posts are welcome).
- Posts should be well-edited for correct grammar, spelling, and formatting.
- Tone should be conversational but succinct and professional.
- Keep the best SEO practices in mind when writing your post. When submitting your post, you will be required to provide your SEO keyword(s), SEO title, and Meta description. Spark Hire reserves the right to reject posts containing bad SEO practices (i.e. keyword stuffing, excessive hyperlinking). We also reserve the right to tweak SEO details to optimize content for our site.
- You will be required to submit a brief author bio and headshot for your post. The headshot should be high-resolution and at least 800×800 px.
- You may submit one link (website or company social platform) you would like linked in your author bio.
Please submit content through the Spark Hire Submittable Portal found here:
We receive a high volume of submissions. Thank you for your patience while waiting to hear back from our content team.
Please note, while we do not participate in link swapping or paid link placement, we are happy to discuss high-value content partnerships and sharing.