Job Seeker Blog - Spark Hire
How to Create a Great Portfolio for Your Interview

How to Create a Great Portfolio for Your Interview

In today’s job market it is important for job seekers to make the extra effort to stand out.  One way to show off your talent and skills is by taking a professional portfolio with you to the interview.  This portfolio is something that will show off your skill set even more so than a simple resume.

You will need to include several items in your professional portfolio in order to impress the hiring manager.

Invest in a professional binder

Please, do not use an old, worn out binder for your portfolio.  Take pride in your portfolio as it is one of the first impressions that you will make on the hiring manager.  Invest in a professional, sturdy binder.

Stick to neutral colors such as black, tan, or white.  Your binder should not be so flashy that it distracts from the important data that it holds within.

Include your metrics and ratios

If you are in a metrics driven position, be sure to include copies of your past metrics and goals.  Include data regarding your ratios and attained goals.

This type of information is gold to hiring managers because it proves your drive and skill.  Many hiring managers believe that “the proof is in the numbers” and they will be pleased that you are sharing your past numbers with them.  This shows that you have what it takes to be successful.

Include copies of education and training certificates

Your education and training is all part of your skill set.  Be sure to make copies of and include your college diploma as well as any training certificates earned.

If you attended a training course specific to your field of expertise, making this known could very well set you apart from many other candidates in the hiring manager’s eyes.

Gather copies of recognition

If you are successful in your field, chances are that you have proof of previous awards or recognition of your success.  This could be anything from an actual professional award to a simple email from your manager congratulating you on a job well done.

Make copies of any and all recognition that you have and be sure to include this in your portfolio.  Yes, your new hiring manager will likely check professional references, but typically that is not done until later on in the consideration process.

By including awards and recognition in your portfolio, you are in essence providing the hiring manager with a form of professional reference from your past employers.

What is keeping you from creating a professional portfolio?

Image: nruboc/

Julia Weeks

Julia is a skilled Recruiter with over 8 years of experience in sourcing, interviewing, and hiring within many industries globally. She works closely with hiring managers and job seekers to understand needs and desires, while offering guidance and ensuring the right fit. When not recruiting or writing, Julia enjoys spending time outside cycling, taking her dog for walks, or honing her sailing skills.

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