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Dressing for Success: Appropriate Women’s Attire in the Workplace [INFOGRAPHIC]

Although the phrase may be cliché, it truly is important to “dress for success.” If you are looking to land not just a job, but a career, then you need to dress the part. After spending countless hours submitting applications, when you receive a call for an interview, you need to be prepared to present a professional image. Your potential employer was already impressed with what you put down on paper with relation to your qualifications, no matter how great your qualifications are, if you arrive at your interview dressed inappropriately you will give a bad first impression in person.

Dress for The Position You Want

When you are planning your outfit for a job interview, take into consideration that you need to show that you are professional. You do not want to arrive at your job interview in jeans and a t-shirt with unkempt hair.  Arrive to your interview in a conservative outfit. A dark pantsuit, or skirt suit, with a blouse that offers a pop of color will display that you know how to dress in a professional manner. Avoid excessive jewelry, heavy perfumes, heavy, or gaudy make up, and be sure to have your nails manicured.

If you arrive to a job interview showing lackluster interest in your appearance your potential employer may be given the impression that you will take that same attitude into the job environment. Once you land the job, carry your professional work attire into the job place. Simply because you have landed the job, does not mean that you can resort to dressing in a casual or unprofessional manner. Furthermore, once you land the job, read about your new employer’s dress code. You may find that along with dress code restrictions, there may be options available where you can be a little more casual in your dress. Dressing for success will not only help you land a job, but it will help you keep and behave in a professional manner when on the job.

For additional tips on choosing the most appropriate women’s attire in the workplace check out the infographic below from

About the Author: Alyson Duncan is a freelance writer with an interest in education and career. In her free time she is also an avid follower of fashion and loves to find new ways of bringing fashion into her work wardrobe.

women's business attire

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