Job Seeker Blog - Spark Hire

So You Majored in Theater?

It’s theater, darling! To thine own self you were true, and now you might need a way to make a little money while doing so. You know of—and likely aspire to—jobs on or around the stage. However, your skill set will also do very well in the following positions. Take a bow!

Arts Fundraiser
Nonprofit arts organizations are in constant need of funding, and both your passions and your skills can be integral in helping them find that funding. You may use your improvisation skills as you chat with potential donors and your project management skills in organizing fundraising events and research.
Apply at: Nonprofit arts organizations in your area—check out local directories of arts organizations because smaller groups may not show up on big search engines like Google.

Booking Agent
Your Rolodex (because you still have one of those…) will get nice and fat with this position, which is priceless. You will work closely with performers and venue managers, and your primary job will be making sure that your clients have consistent performances scheduled.
Apply at: Usually performers will find you through a talent agency or promotion agency, but it’s possible that you could work as an independent contractor for one or more artists.

Public Relations Director
This position will definitely put your love of performance, improvisation and communication to good use. You will be responsible for communicating on behalf of your client, which can mean everything from releasing a statement for Tom Cruise to drumming up support for a non-profit arts event.
Apply at: Everyone from movie stars to small businesses and foundations need public relations people. Be sure to emphasize your showmanship and ability to engage the public.

Technical Writer
Depending on your expertise during college you may have spent a significant amount of time working with sound systems, construction, lighting and electricity. That technical know-how can land you a job that many other writers without your expertise will miss out on.
Apply at: Textbook publishing houses, manufacturing companies or hardware companies.

Self-Expression Specialist
I promise I didn’t make this up. I came across this job title a while back and immediately fell in love with the idea. You would provide regularly scheduled creative activities for children (possibly also the elderly or disabled), including things like art, music and writing…oh yeah, and drama! Brava!
Apply at: Larger childcare centers and educational facilities or arts outreach programs.

Interior Decorator
One of the cool things about theater majors is that you build a great variety of skills, depending on what you did for different productions. You probably have a good eye for use of space, lighting and set decoration. It’s called “staging” a house for a reason!
Apply at: Design firms, architecture firms, and even independent contractors—I saw an opening for a designer at the Cheesecake Factory today, of all places.

There are a lot of obvious reach jobs for theater majors, but here are a few you might not have thought of. Whatever you choose to do, break a leg!

Drama Therapist
Conduct sessions using dramatic play as therapy (i.e. do what you love and help people).

Drama Librarian
Curate a dramatic library collection (i.e. work in a library where you don’t have to tell people to be quiet).

Children’s Theater Director
Give kids the gift of silliness (i.e. love your life forever).

What major would you like us to look at next? Send me a tweet, @ithinkther4iamb, or leave a comment below. #lovemymajor

IMAGE: Courtesy of University of California Irvine

Kristin Anderson

Kristin has a B.A. in English from the University of Iowa, with an emphasis in creative writing. In her free time she enjoys long walks, kitchen adventures, and making puns.