Job Seeker Blog - Spark Hire

Find a Job at Home While Studying Abroad

Have you ever thought that you could find an internship or job in your hometown while you were overseas studying abroad? The answer is likely no, but thankfully Spark Hire is completely changing the way people view searching, applying and interviewing for a job. Before, if you wanted to find a job in your hometown of Chicago but were currently studying abroad in London, the chances of you actually securing a position were very slim to none. If you applied for a position and an employer was interested in you, chances are they would give you a call and try to set up an interview to learn more about you. Seeing as though you are overseas, that would be impossible and you likely wouldn’t get the job.

Now, though, you can search for a job in your hometown on Spark Hire and if a company is interested in you, you can interview with them remotely from your computer- no matter where you are. With Spark Hire’s video integration and online interviewing capabilities, you can search, apply and interview for a position all on the same platform. The most advanced and perhaps most exciting feature is the video interview capabilities. With this, you can interview for a position in Chicago even if you are all the way in London. Spark Hire knows no borders and leaves you with hundreds of job prospects even if you aren’t at home. This is a great feature for students that are studying abroad and looking to secure a position for when they return home.

Before, if a student wanted to find a job when they returned home from studying abroad, they would have to use up a month or two of their time when they returned to search for and secure a position. Now, it doesn’t matter if you are in Florida, London or even China. You can sign on to your Spark Hire account, search for a job and interview for it without even leaving your room. Sound too good to be true?

If it does, I can assure you that it certainly is not! In fact, Spark Hire has already conducted interviews with students studying abroad that are looking to have a job already set-up for them when they return. This feature isn’t just great for students overseas, but is also a great convenience for those that are looking to relocate or move. If a job seekers wants to find a job on the other side of the country, they would likely have to take a day or two out of their week to travel and meet with an interested employer. Instead, with Spark Hire they can search for jobs in any state and if an employer is interested, they can simply have a face-to-face interview with them from their home office on their computer. Think of how much money and time can be saved on travel if most company’s used the online interview capability of Spark Hire.

If this interests you, and frankly, why wouldn’t it, then take some time and check it out on your own now. Sign up and create an account with Spark Hire today to start your job search- even if you are worlds away. With Spark Hire, there are no borders.

Nicole Nicholson

Nicole is the Content Editor for Spark Hire and mainly writes for and edits the work for the Spark News blog. She graduated in 2010 with a BA in Journalism from DePaul University in Chicago, Illinois. She has a passion for writing, editing, and pretty much anything to do with content. In her free time she frequents the Chicago music scene and writes reviews on shows for her own personal blog. Connect with Nicole and Spark Hire on Facebook and Twitter

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