Job Seeker Blog - Spark Hire

Practice Short-Term Job Strategies To Perfect Long-Term Success

The market is by no means “hot” with jobs right now, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be preparing for when it starts heating up later this year. There are methods in which you can better equip yourself for the jobs to come. Now is the perfect time to begin targeting which companies and positions you would like to apply for so you can more accurately tailor your resume and cover letter to that business’s needs.

Next step, start tinkering with all your social networks. A strong knowledge of social media is quickly becoming one of easiest and most marketable tools for acquiring a job. Furthermore, using these social networks to create relationships with your targeted companies is a very appropriate way to introduce yourself before you apply. The jobs may not be open now, but when they are, an online relationship is a great segway to an interview.

It wouldn’t be a bad idea to consider enrolling in a job training or certification course that can further strengthen your qualifications. The goal is to be in the best possible position to be seen as “in-demand.” The thing to remember is that you are not alone in this boat. In fact, there are many people applying for the exact same position as you. Do anything you can to get a leg-up on the competition.

All things considered, the hiring outlook for the second half of 2012 looks considerably promising. If nothing’s hitting right now, don’t lose hope. Your preparation will payoff in the end. The odds for getting hired are higher now than at the start of the recession and for job seekers everywhere, that’s great news.

SOURCE: Chicago Suntimes
IMAGE: Zazzle

Michael Doan

I've gone to college. I have a job. I eat my apple a day. I have decent manners. I love writing. I hope you love reading.

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