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In These Harsh Times, College Is Still The Best Option

As college tuition prices continue to spike like gasoline, alternative forms of education are surfacing as viable options for students; digital and online education being the two most prevalent. However, there is still strong evidence arguing that college degrees are indispensable, regardless of the economy. Also, take into consideration that most of the benefits can actually influence your digital presence as well.

The Network college creates for you is so vast, it almost seems ludicrous not to attend on that fact alone. Be it from sports, classes or extracurricular activities, the connections made at college present a tremendous opportunity securing jobs. Managers often hire within their own networks, so if someone within yours has a manager within theirs, you’ve got a leg up on the competition.

Direct Professional Development is crucial if you’re majoring in something specifically applicable to the position you’ll hopefully retain upon graduation. These types of fields (software engineering, architecture, etc.) ensure that none of your curriculum was wasted on material that isn’t practical. A good example of this externally related to college is internships. They provide direct experience and development in your chosen field, while also greatly expanding your network.

Personal Development might be the hardest stride for some (considering the distractions college presents), but for others it could be the proverbial nudge needed for a student’s creativity or curiosity to take off. These few years could provide the most individualistic growth a young adult might ever experience. The independence and self-sufficiency learned in those years is an unparalleled amount of knowledge.

Brand is a synonym used frequently these days to describe the characteristics of what a person, company or organization offers professionally. Having your own brand more quickly allows a company to gauge their interest and your potential with the business. Simply put, a degree from a reputable higher education institution labels your brand more lucrative than the person who hasn’t a degree.

“The estimated lifetime earnings for college graduates are $1.6 million more than that of high school graduates, according to the Department of Education.” This doesn’t mean that a college education guarantees anyone a job, but it does indicate the odds are heavily in graduates favor. Taking leadership roles and participating in extracurricular activities also widen your network, build your brand and increase your chances of landing a job. If nothing else, strongly consider that education at any level is never wasted.

SOURCE: Mashable

Michael Doan

I've gone to college. I have a job. I eat my apple a day. I have decent manners. I love writing. I hope you love reading.

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